Head Nurse


Ashling is our wonderful Head Nurse at Alexandria Vet. Ashling graduated with a Bsc in Veterinary Nursing in 2018 in Ireland and hasworked primarily in small animal medicine since graduating.

Learn more about her below !

Share a memorable or heartwarming experience you've had while working with animals at the clinic

It is always so rewarding when we discharge a patient after procedures or hospitalisation stays and get to see how happy both the owner and the pet is to be reunited.

What do you find most rewarding about your work with animals?

I find building strong relationships with our patients and owners so rewarding. It's so important to me that both patient and owner have full trust in the work we do as we always thrive to ensure we offer the best standard of patient care to every pet that we treat.

Do you have any special interests or areas of expertise within veterinary medicine?

In my previous clinic back home in Ireland I was trained in therapeutic laser therapy which was used to treat a multitude of issues such as arthritis and wound healing. This sparked an interest in alternative therapies. I also really love looking after all our inpatients and taking radiographs.

What advice would you give to pet owners for maintaining their pets' health and well-being:

Never be afraid to ask a question to a vet or vet nurse. If you have any worries or concerns at all, be sure to ask no matter the question! Also, regular vet checks and exercise for your pet.

Outside of work, do you have any pets of your own?

At home in Ireland I have a 6 year old Chihuahua x Jack Russell who I rescued from a shelter in February 2023. She's an energetic and affectionate girl who has settled into her new life of luxury quite well! I miss having her with me as she used to always be by my side and often came to work with me!

What do you enjoy most about being a part of this particular veterinary clinic/team

Everyone is so lovely and it didn’t take long for me to settle into the team when I first arrived! I'm so lucky to work with these guys as we all share the same goals of providing top class care. Everyone looks after one another especially if someone may be having a tough day. We're a great team!